General Term of Arithmetic Sequence that Models the Potential Annual Salaries

A job posted at offered a starting salary of \$40,000 per year and guaranteeing a raise of \$1600 per year for the rest of 5 years. Write the general term for the arithmetic sequence that models potential annual salaries.

A.   an = 38,400 + 1600n
B.   an = 33,400 + 2600n
C.   an = 36,400 + 1400n
D.   an = 34,400 +1800n

Weight of Copper and Tin to Produce an Alloy of 30% Copper and 10% of Tin

A given alloy contains 20% copper and 5% tin. How many pounds of copper and of tin must be melted with 100 lb of the given alloy to produce another alloy analyzing 30% copper and 10% tin? All percentages are by weight.

A.   20.5 lb copper and 4.5 lb tin
B.   17.5 lb copper and 7.5 lb tin
C.   19.5 lb copper and 5.5 lb tin
D.   18.5 lb copper and 6.5 lb tin




Nutrition: Amount of food A, B and C to Meet the Nutrient Requirements

A nutritionist in a hospital is arranging special diets that consist of a combination of three basic foods. It is important that the patients on this diet consume exactly 310 units of calcium, 190 units of iron, and 250 units of vitamin A each day. The amounts of these nutrients in one ounce food are given in the following table.

  Units Per Ounce
Calcium Iron Vitamin A
Food A 30 10 10
Food B 10 10 30
Food C 20 20 20


How many ounces each food must be used to satisfy the nutrient requirements exactly?

A.   6 ounces of Food A, 5 ounces of Food B and 3 ounces of Food C
B.   3 ounces of Food A, 5 ounces of Food B and 6 ounces of Food C
C.   6 ounces of Food A, 3 ounces of Food B and 5 ounces of Food C
D.   5 ounces of Food A, 3 ounces of Food B and 6 ounces of Food C