
A set is a collection of explicitly-defined distinct elements.

Elements of a Set
If 2, 4, 6, 8 are elements of A, we can then write

$A = \{0, ~ 2, ~ 4, ~ 6, ~ 8\}$

or it can be written using the set-builder notation

$A = \{x ~ : ~ x \text{ is an even digit} \}$

read as "A is the set of all x such that x is an even digit".

Counting Techniques

Fundamental Principle of Counting
If event E1 can have n1 different outcomes, event E2 can have n2 different outcomes, ..., and event Em can have nm different outcomes, then it follows that the number of possible outcomes in which composite events E1, E2, ..., Em can have is

n1 × n2 × ... × nm

We call this The Multiplication Principle.

Number of Civil, Electrical, and Mechanical Engineers and Their Average Ages

In an organization there are CE’s, EE’s and ME’s. The sum of their ages is 2160; the average age is 36; the average age of CE’s and EE’s is 39; the average age of EE’s and ME’s is 32 and 8/11; the average age of the CE’s and ME’s is 36 and 2/3. If each CE had been 1 year older, each EE 6 years and each ME 7 years older, their average age would have been greater by 5 years. Find the number of CE, EE, and ME in the group and their average ages.

A tank is supplied by two pipes A and B and emptied by a third pipe C

A tank is supplied by two pipes A and B and emptied by a third pipe C. If the tank is initially empty and all pipes are opened, the tank can be filled in 20 hours. If the tank is initially full and A and C are opened, the tank can be emptied in 4 hours. If the tank is initially full and B and C are opened, the tank can be emptied in 2 hours. Pipe A supplies 50 liters per minute more than B.
1.   Find the rate of pipe A in liters per minute.

A.   120 C.   110
B.   130 D.   140

2.   Find the rate of pipe C in liters per minute.

A.   170 C.   150
B.   160 D.   140

3.   Find the capacity of the tank in liters.

A.   12,000 C.   11,500
B.   12,500 D.   13,000