MSTE Refresher Lite

MSTE - Mathematics, Surveying and Transportation Engineering
Review Instructor: Jhun Vert
Language: Taglish, more on Tagalog

Get yourself acquainted with the CE board exam problems in MSTE. Experience the level of difficulty you will encounter in the actual board examination and feel the similar time-constraint in solving problems. Learn how to solve the problem in the most efficient way and improve your problem solving strategies from experienced CE review instructor.

Basic Algebra Review

Is this course right for you?
Although we named this course Basic Algebra Review, this is actually designed for those who already completed their Algebra subject in engineering curriculum, hence, review. Problems presented in later topics are not really for beginners and solutions presented here assumed that you already earned the credits of College Algebra from your university.

Beginners however are also welcome to join, but never consider this course as a substitute to the long standing and thoroughly tested university program. Don't forget that your professor is the one holding the authority of the subject. Whenever contradiction arises between my teaching and that of your professor, do not follow me, listen to your professor. You may consider this course, however, as a supplement material to the already rich Algebra materials handed to you in your school.