Geotechnical Engineering
Symbols and Notations
$e$ = void ratio
$n$ = porosity
$w$ = moisture content, water content
$s$ = specific gravity of any substance
$G$ = specific gravity of solids
$S$ = degree of saturation
$V$ = volume of soil mass
$V_a$ = volume of air
$V_w$ = volume of water
$V_s$ = volume of solids
$V_v$ = volume of voids
$W$ = total weight of soil
$W_w$ = weight of water
$W_s$ = weight of solids
$D_r$ = relative density
$\gamma_m$ = unit weight of soil mass, moist unit weight, bulk unit weight
$\gamma_s$ = unit weight of soil solids
$\gamma_w$ = unit weight of water
$\gamma_b$ = $\gamma'$ = buoyant unit weight, submerged unit weight
$\gamma_d$ = $\gamma_{dry}$ = dry unit weight
$\gamma_{sat}$ = saturated unit weight
$LL$ = liquid limit
$PL$ = plastic limit
$LI$ = liquidity index
$PI$ = plasticity index
$GI$ = group index