07 - A Man Covers an Unknown Distance at Different Rates

A man covers the distance A to B in 5 hours and 30 minutes. During the second half of the distance he traveled 1/2 kilometer less per hour than during the first half. In the return trip from B to A, by traveling 1 km/hr faster than during the first half of his trip from A to B, he consumed 3-3/4 hours. Determine the distance AB.

06 - The Battleship Was Brought to Full Stop After 1 Hour of Voyage

A battleship started on a 500-mile voyage but was brought to full stop an hour after starting for military reasons, delaying it for full hour, after which it was ordered to proceed at a reduced velocity equivalent to 75% of its former rate. The ship arrived at its destination 3 hours and 3 quarters after scheduled time. If it was desired for the ship to arrive one hour and a quarter sooner, how far from the destination should the ship have been ordered stopped?

04 - In a Mixed Company of ASEAN Nationalities

In a mixed company of Malaysians, Vietnamese, Singaporeans, Thais, and Filipinos, the Malaysians are one less than 1/3 of the Filipinos; and three less than half the Vietnamese. The Filipinos and Thais outnumber the Singaporeans and Vietnamese by 3. The Singaporeans and Filipinos form one less than half the company, and the Singaporeans and Vietnamese form 7/16 of the company. How many persons of each nationality were there?

Probability of Winning the Carnival Game of Tossing a Coin Into a Table

In a common carnival game, a player tosses a penny from a distance of about 5 feet onto the surface of a table ruled in 1-inch squares. If the penny (3/4 inch in diameter) falls entirely inside a square, the player receives 5 cents but does not get his penny back; otherwise he loses his penny. If the penny lands on the table, what is his chance to win?

A.   5/16 C.   9/256
B.   1/16 D.   3/128