(1) | $ (4) | 0 (139) | 1 (35) | 2 (42) | 3 (26) | 4 (10) | 5 (6) | 6 (5) | 7 (19) | 8 (6) | 9 (1) | A (270) | B (43) | C (115) | D (224) | E (130) | F (153) | G (26) | H (57) | I (140) | J (6) | K (8) | L (47) | M (77) | N (35) | O (11) | P (537) | Q (18) | R (48) | S (572) | T (206) | U (6) | V (43) | W (85) | X (17) | Y (2) | Z (9) | [ (3)
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Differential Equation: $y' = x^3 - 2xy$, where $y(1)=1$ and $y' = 2(2x-y)$ that passes through (0,1)
differential equations: $y(9x - 2y)dx - x(6x - y)dy = 0$
Differential Equation: Eliminate $C_1$, $C_2$, and $C_3$ from $y=C_1e^x+C_2e^{2x}+C_3e^{3x}$
Differential Equations: Bernoulli's Equation $1 - 3rss' + r^2 s^2 s' = 0$
Differential Equation: $ye^{xy} dx + xe^{xy} dy = 0$
DE: $x \, dx + [ sin^2 (y/x) ](y \, dx - x \, dy) = 0$
Differential Equations: $(r - 3s - 7) dr = (2r - 4s - 10) ds$
Differential Equations: $(x - 2y - 1) dy = (2x - 4y - 5) dx$
Differential EQNS: $y \, dx = \left[ x + (y^2 - x^2)^{1/2} \right] dy$
Differential Equations: $[x \csc (y/x) - y] dx + x \, dy = 0$
Differential Equations: $(6x-3y+2)dx - (2x-y-1)dy = 0$
Differential Equation: Eliminate $c_1$ and $c_2$ from $y = c_1 e^x + c_2 xe^x$
Derivation of Cosine Law
Differential Equation $2y \, dx+x(x^2 \ln y -1) \, dy = 0$
Deriving trigonometric function
Dameg, Arianne Joyce A.
Differential Equations - Elementary Application
Differential Equations
diff eqn
Derivation of Product of First n Terms of Geometric Progression
Derivation of Pythagorean Theorem
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dKi9DFQ-1 Calculate the maximum shear force that could developed at the section just before point A.
dKi9DFQ-2 Find the maximum positive shear that could developed at the section just after point A.
dKi9DFQ-3 Find the maximum moment (in kN-m) that could developed at point A.
DNfS204-1 Calculate the uniform reaction of the beam in kN/m.
DNfS204-2 Find the maximum moment acting on the beam in kN-m
DNfS204-3 Determine the size of the section of the beam if the maximum stress is limited to 8 MPa.
During the last election, the total number of votes in a certain municipality was 12,400.
Determine the coordinates of the center of the circle defined by the equation $x^2 + y^2 + 4x - 6y - 12 = 0$.
Determine the distance from point (2, 1) to the line 4x - 3y + 5 = 0.
Dr. Reed, arriving late at the lab one morning, pulled out his watch and said, “I must have it seen to. I have noticed that the minute and the hour hand are exactly together every 65 minutes.” Does Dr. Reed’s watch gain or lose, and how much per hour?
Determine the equation of an open upward parabola with (2, 1) and (-4, 1) as ends of latus rectum.
Determine the amplitude of $y = 4 \cos 2x$.
Determine the volume of a regular tetrahedron of edge 2 ft.
Determine the value of a if (x + 2) is a factor of (x3 - ax2 + 7x + 10).