Solution to Problem 242 Statically Indeterminate

Problem 242
The assembly in Fig. P-242 consists of a light rigid bar AB, pinned at O, that is attached to the steel and aluminum rods. In the position shown, bar AB is horizontal and there is a gap, Δ = 5 mm, between the lower end of the steel rod and its pin support at C. Compute the stress in the aluminum rod when the lower end of the steel rod is attached to its support.

Figure 242


Solution to Problem 240 Statically Indeterminate

Problem 240
Three steel eye-bars, each 4 in. by 1 in. in section, are to be assembled by driving rigid 7/8-in.-diameter drift pins through holes drilled in the ends of the bars. The center-line spacing between the holes is 30 ft in the two outer bars, but 0.045 in. shorter in the middle bar. Find the shearing stress developed in the drip pins. Neglect local deformation at the holes.

Solution to Problem 239 Statically Indeterminate

Problem 239
The rigid platform in Fig. P-239 has negligible mass and rests on two steel bars, each 250.00 mm long. The center bar is aluminum and 249.90 mm long. Compute the stress in the aluminum bar after the center load P = 400 kN has been applied. For each steel bar, the area is 1200 mm2 and E = 200 GPa. For the aluminum bar, the area is 2400 mm2 and E = 70 GPa.

Figure 239


Solution to Problem 238 Statically Indeterminate

Problem 238
The lower ends of the three bars in Fig. P-238 are at the same level before the uniform rigid block weighing 40 kips is attached. Each steel bar has a length of 3 ft, and area of 1.0 in.2, and E = 29 × 106 psi. For the bronze bar, the area is 1.5 in.2 and E = 12 × 106 psi. Determine (a) the length of the bronze bar so that the load on each steel bar is twice the load on the bronze bar, and (b) the length of the bronze that will make the steel stress twice the bronze stress.

Rigid bar supported by three rods


Solution to Problem 235 Statically Indeterminate

Problem 235
A timber column, 8 in. × 8 in. in cross section, is reinforced on each side by a steel plate 8 in. wide and t in. thick. Determine the thickness t so that the column will support an axial load of 300 kips without exceeding a maximum timber stress of 1200 psi or a maximum steel stress of 20 ksi. The moduli of elasticity are 1.5 × 106 psi for timber, and 29 × 106 psi for steel.