248 - Broken handwheel replaced by lever to close a gate valve

Problem 248
To close a gate valve it is necessary to exert two forces of 60 lb at opposite sides of a handwheel 3 ft in diameter. Through an accident the wheel is broken and the valve must be closed by a thrusting bar through a slot in the valve stem and exerting a force 4 ft out from the center. Determine the force required and draw a free-body diagram of the bar.


Couple is a system of forces whose magnitude of the resultant is zero and yet has a moment sum. Geometrically, couple is composed of two equal forces that are parallel to each other and acting in opposite direction. The magnitude of the couple is given by

$C = Fd$

Where $F$ are the two forces and $d$ is the moment arm, or the perpendicular distance between the forces.

240 How to locate the centroid of metal plate with circular hole

Problem 240
The shaded area in Fig P-240 represents a steel plate of uniform thickness. A hole of 4-in. diameter has been cut in the plate. Locate the center of gravity the plate. Hint: The weight of the plate is equivalent to the weight of the original plate minus the weight of material cut away. Represent the original plate weight of plate by a downward force acting at the center of the 10 × 14 in. rectangle. Represent the weight of the material cut away by an upward force acting at the center of the circle. Locate the position of the resultant of these two forces with respect to the left edge and bottom of the plate.

Rectangular plate with circular hole