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Title Last update Sort ascending
Video Discussion: MSTE-00 Problem Set 1
Video Discussion: MSTE-00 Final Preboard
Video Discussion: MSTE-00 Problem Set 10
Video Discussion: MSTE-00 Problem Set 2
Variations and Proportions
Video Discussion: MSTE-00 Problem Set 3
vSk9ZBx-3 Determine the distance of the point from the center of the bigger pulley where the belt will cross when cross-connected.
vSk9ZBx-2 Compute the length of belt if the belt will be cross-connected to make the pulleys rotate in opposite directions.
vSk9ZBx-1 Compute the length of belt if both pulleys will rotate in the same direction.
vSk9ZBx-2 Find the uv-coordinates of the x-intercept of the given line.
vSk9ZBx-1 Find the uv-coordinates of the y-intercept of the given line.
vSk9ZBx-3 Find the equation of the given line in the uv-plane.
Volume in the first octant bounded by the surfaces $z = x + y$ and $y = 1 - x^2$
Value of a Bond
Volume by integration and finding the centroid
vSk9ZBx-0 Situation. A line on the xy-plane has an equation 5x + 12y = 60.
vSk9ZBx-0 Situation: Two flat belt pulleys have a center to center distance of 137 cm, and diameters of 72 cm and 36 cm, respectively.
Value of t for a germ population to double its original value
Video Discussion: MSTE-00 Problem Set 9
Video Discussion: MSTE-00 Preboard 1
Video Discussion: MSTE-00 Problem Set 8
Video Discussion: MSTE-00 Problem Set 7
Video Discussion: MSTE-00 Problem Set 5
Video Discussion: MSTE-00 Problem Set 6
Video Discussion: MSTE-00 Problem Set 4
Velocity of Separation: How fast is the distance between two cars changing?
Volume of Inflating Spherical Balloon as a Function of Time
Volume of regular tetrahedron of given length of edges
Vickers hardness: Distance between indentations
Volume by integration
Verbal Problems in Algebra
Volumes of Solids of Revolution | Applications of Integration
Volume of pyramid cut from a sphere
Variation of Pressure with Depth in a Fluid
Variation / Proportional
vector analysis