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It is the volume of a fluid per unit mass.
It is the term used in the case of pipe flowing under pressure, it is the circumference of the circular section, while in the case of a rectangular open channel flow, it is the sum of the base and the two sides.
It is the term to denote the temperature range between the highest and lowest temperature recorded for a particular day.
It is the tensile force required on a tape to eliminate the effects of sag during tape surveys.
It is the property of a material to absorb energy from a continuously applied load until it yields.
It is the property of a material to absorb energy from a continuously applied load until it ruptures.
it is required to measure the height of a tower.
It is now between 9 am and 10 o'clock am. In 4 minutes, the hour hand of the clock will be directly opposite the position occupied by the minute hand 3 minutes ago. What time is it?
It is defined as the ratio of a steel section's plastic moment to its yield moment.
It is defined as a hydrograph with a volume of 1 inch of runoff resulting from a rainstorm of specified duration and a real pattern.
It is an overflow structure built across an open channel for the purpose of measuring and controlling the flow.
It is a term to denote the temperature which is the average of the monthly mean for the year.
It is a pressure force that acts as the body submerged in a liquid at rest which is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the submerged body either partially or completely.
It is a point formed by intersecting three angle bisectors of a triangle.
It is a point formed by intersecting the three perpendicular bisectors of the sides of the triangle.
It is a point formed by intersecting the three medians of a triangle.
It is a point formed by intersecting the three altitudes of a triangle.
It is a point formed by intersecting the internal bisector of one angle of a triangle to the external bisectors of the other two angles.
It is a measure of the resistance of a certain fluid to gradual deformation by shear or tensile stresses.
It is a differential equation or a set of differential equations that mimic the behavior of real-life objects and situations.
It is a branch of engineering mechanics that deals specifically with the effects of applied forces on the motion of objects.
It is a branch of engineering mechanics that deals specifically with quantifying the motion of objects in terms of displacement, velocity and acceleration.
Is x - 2 a factor of x^3 - 3x^2 + 7x - 10?
Investment of P250,000.00 per year
Inverse Trigonometric Functions | Fundamental Integration Formulas
Inverse Trigo
Inverse Matrix
inverse laplace transform of $\dfrac{5s^2 - 15s - 11}{(s + 1)(s - 3)^3}$
Interest and Discount
interest and compound: amount of loan payment
Integration problem
Integration of Rational Fractions | Techniques of Integration
Integration of 4x^2/csc^3x√sinxcosx dx
Integration issue
integration by substitution: $\displaystyle \int (a^{2/3}-x^{2/3})^{2/3} dx$
Integration by Substitution | Techniques of Integration