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Title Last update Sort descending
differentiation of transcendental functions
Discrete Mathematics
differential equation
differential equation: Show that if f and f' are continuous on a ≤ x ≤ b then f and f' are linearly independent on a ≤ x ≤ b
differential calculus time rates
Density of compressed oxygen gas in the cylinder
Differential Eqn. of family of circles of fixed radius and tangent to the y-axis
Differential Eqn. Elimination of arbitrary constant and finding the general solution
derivation: formula for spherical cap
Differential Equation
differential equation
Diagonaliseation a square matrix of any order.
diffirential equations: how to eliminate arbitrary constant where h is a parameter; y=mx+h/m
Differential Calculus: largest cone inscribed in a sphere
Differential Calculus: Cylinder of largest lateral area inscribed in a sphere
Differential Equations
Differential Equations
Differential Equations
Differential Equation: y' = 2(3x + y)^2 - 1
DE exact equations: (3 + y + 2y^2 sin^2 x) dx + (x + 2xy - y sin 2x) dy = 0
DE Order one: (xy^2 + x - 2y + 3) dx + x^2 ydy = 2(x + y) dy
DE: 2xy dx + (y^2 + x^2) dy = 0
DE: 2xy dx + (y^2 - x^2) dy = 0
Differential Equations: (3y - 2yx^2)[ 1 + ln^2 (2x^3 / 3y^2) ] dx - 2x dy = 0
Differential Equation: [ e^(2y) - y cos (xy) ] dx - y(1 - x^2) dy = 0
detailed solution please? total energy of rotating rod
Differential Equations: Population of a city in 1990
Differential Equations
Differential Equations - Elementary Application
Differential Equation xdy-[y+xy^3(1+lnx)]dx=0
Differential Equation
Differential Calculus: center, vertices, foci of the ellipse: 16x² + 25y² - 160x - 200y + 400 = 0
Differential Equations - Elementary Application - Vertical Motion
Differential Equations (PLEASE HELP PO)