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Title Sort descending Last update
Simple Curves
Simple Interest
Simple space trusses -tension coefficient method
Simple Strain
Simple Stresses
Simplify $2\sqrt{8x^3} + 3x\sqrt{32x} - x\sqrt{18x}$
Simplify and solve for y: $y = \ln \left( \dfrac{e^x}{e^{x - 1}} \right)$.
Simplify and solve for y: $y = \ln \left( \dfrac{e^x}{e^{x - 1}} \right)$.
Simplify and solve for y: $y = \ln \left( \dfrac{e^x}{e^{x - 1}} \right)$.
Simplify and solve for y: $y = \ln \left( \dfrac{e^x}{e^{x - 1}} \right)$.
Simplify the radical shown: $\sqrt{a\sqrt{a\sqrt{a}}}$
Simply Supported Beam with Support Added at Midspan to Prevent Excessive Deflection
Site Roles and Access Permission
Situation - A tank contains 80 gallons of pure water. A brine solution with 2 lb/gal of salt enters at 2 gal/min, and the well-stirred mixture leaves at the same rate.
Situation - A tank, open at the top, is made of sheet iron 1 in. thick.
Situation - A two member frame in the figure is loaded as shown.
Situation - A uniform chain that weighs 0.50 kg per meter has a 15-liter bucket hanged at its end.
Situation - Floor joists 50 mm wide by 200 mm high, simply supported on a 4-m span, carry a floor loaded at 5 kN/m2. The allowable bending stress is 8 MPa. Due to bending stress alone...
Slope of a Curve of Given Parametric Equations
Smallest number for given remainders
Smallest Part From The Circle That Was Divided Into Four Parts By Perpendicular Chords
Smallest Triangular Portion From A Square Lot
Sold Menuration- Frustum of a rectangular pyramid
Solid Compound Shaft
solid geometry
solid geometry
Solid Geometry
solid geometry
solid geometry
solid geometry
Solid Geometry
Solid Geometry
SOLID GEOMETRY: fly stationed at a point on the circumference of the base of a cylindrical tower
solid mensuration
Solid mensuration