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dYv94eu-3 The temperature when the volume is 2.625 liters.
dYv94eu-2 The volume at 420 degree K
dYv94eu-1 The constant of proportionality.
dYv94eu-0 Situation. Charles’s law states that for a given mass of gas at constant pressure the volume is directly proportional to its thermodynamic temperature.
dynamics of rigid bodies
Dynamics Kinematics
Dynamics (need this badly this day)
During the last election, the total number of votes in a certain municipality was 12,400.
Duel of Two 50% Marksmen: Odds in favor of the man who shoots first
Dr. Reed, arriving late at the lab one morning, pulled out his watch and said, “I must have it seen to. I have noticed that the minute and the hour hand are exactly together every 65 minutes.” Does Dr. Reed’s watch gain or lose, and how much per hour?
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Double Integration Method | Beam Deflections
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DNfS204-3 Determine the size of the section of the beam if the maximum stress is limited to 8 MPa.
DNfS204-2 Find the maximum moment acting on the beam in kN-m
DNfS204-1 Calculate the uniform reaction of the beam in kN/m.
DNfS204-0 Situation. A square timber beam used as a railroad tie is supported by a uniformly distributed loads and carries two uniformly distributed loads each totaling 48 kN as shown.
dKi9DFQ-3 Find the maximum moment (in kN-m) that could developed at point A.
dKi9DFQ-2 Find the maximum positive shear that could developed at the section just after point A.
dKi9DFQ-1 Calculate the maximum shear force that could developed at the section just before point A.
dKi9DFQ-0 Situation. The following are identified as expected loadings to the beam shown below:
Division by t | Laplace Transform
Distance From a Point to a Plane in 3D-Space
Distance between projection points on the legs of right triangle (solution by Calculus)
Discussion on: Superimposed or Built-up Beams
Discussion on: Solution to Problem 625 | Moment Diagram by Parts
Discussion on: Solution to Problem 609 | Double Integration Method
Discussion on: Solution to Problem 597 | Spacing of Rivets or Bolts in Built-Up Beams
Discussion on: Solution to Problem 593 | Spacing of Rivets or Bolts in Built-Up Beams
Discussion on: Solution to Problem 535 | Economic Sections
Discussion on: Solution to Problem 503 | Flexure Formula
Discussion on: Solution to Problem 457 | Moving Loads