Donate Button: Your Way of Saying Thank You

We ran the Donate button before
Sometime between 2009 and 2010, we ran the donate button for about 1-1/2 years. The purpose of which was to raise fund to relocate the site to a more powerful server and to install LaTex math engine to render equations. See details here. The response from our community has been overwhelming, and in no time, we were able to raise the target fund. Thank you for those who extend their support to push this site further. Back then, math equations took time to render, it even halts sometimes. With your support, we are now using the LaTeX math engine which is the standard engine of rendering math equations, and above all, the site is now hosted at a server with enough resources to cater up to 100 thousand visitors in one day.
We removed it
After we migrate to a new server and install LaTeX engine, advertising revenues to the site increase three folds. It is because more readers has been served and ads load faster. As of the writing of this page, this site is self sufficient and no further upgrades is necessary to meet the bandwidth demand. To this reason, the admin removes the Donate Button from the site.
We put it back
Many of you send thank you message to us using the contact form at the footer of the page. Some also say thank you and at the same time asks how they can donate. Of course I respond to them with a smile, giving them my account information. Now, more and more are asking how to donate. One reader said to me, "this is my way to say thank you, please accept my small monthly gift". To make it easy in my part to respond to this increasing requests, I run again the Donate Button, so that those who wish to do so can click on it.
Thank you for choosing a part of your growth in Engineering Mathematics. Of course I'm glad to your financial way of saying thank you. God bless you all.
Romel Verterra