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Title Last update Sort descending
07 - A Man Covers an Unknown Distance at Different Rates
02 - Cars moving in opposite directions
05 - 08 Number Problems in Maxima and Minima
09 - Number of Leaps to Take to Catch the Lead
04 - In a Mixed Company of ASEAN Nationalities
06 - The Battleship Was Brought to Full Stop After 1 Hour of Voyage
05 - Sum and Difference of Two Numbers Multiplied to Sum and Difference of Their Squares
08 - Sound of Impact be Heard Before the Report of the Gun
07 Area Enclosed by r = 2a cos θ and r = 2a sin θ
01 Area Enclosed by r = 2a cos^2 θ
05 Area Enclosed by r = a sin 2θ and r = a cos 2θ
08 Area Enclosed by r = a sin 3θ and r = a cos 3θ
03 Area Enclosed by Cardioids: r = a(1 + sin θ); r = a(1 - sin θ), r = a(1 + cos θ), r = a(1 - cos θ)
01 How to calculate the discharge and the velocity of flow
02 Graph of flow velocity in tapering pipe
03 Point P Inside an Isosceles Right Triangle
01 - Problems involving sum of two numbers
02 - Problems involving sum of two numbers
02 - Solution to Radical Equations
03 - Solved Problems Involving Exponents and Radicals
04 - Solution of Radical Equation
01 - Example of Mixture Related Problem
01 - Sound of impact of the bullet hitting the target
03 - In rowing a boat: find the rate of stream
03 Maximum Revenue for Tour Bus of 80 Seats
04 - Two runners moving in the same direction in an oval track
05 - Two runners moving in opposite directions in a circular track
02 - Time for the thermometer reading to drop to within half degree of the air temperature
03 - Excess of the Sum of Parts over the Difference of Parts of a Number
01 - Thermometer reading after 6 minutes of being outside
01 - Find how long would it take for half amount af radium to decompose
02 - Time to dissipate 90% of certain radioactive substance
032 Review Problem - How many cups of coffee a coffee pot can hold?
033 Review Problem - Finding which one is the better bargain
035 Review Problem - Amount of concrete in a caisson
041 Review Problem - Weight capacity of industrial soap kettle