Regular Polygons

Please verify property number 8 of a regular polygon: “Diagonals of regular polygon will cross each other at the center. Length of diagonals is equal to the diameter of the circumscribing circle.” This statement is inconsistent with the formula for determining the number of diagonals D.

I suggest that the phrase “isosceles triangle” in property number 9 (Segment of regular polygon is an isosceles triangle whose equal sides are radius of circumscribing circle” be changed to “equilateral triangle” if it is true that segments have equal sides.

Thank you very much sir for bumping me up on these.

For easy access, I pasted here the statements from the regular polygon page.

  1. Diagonals of regular polygon will cross each other at the center. Length of diagonals is equal to the diameter of the circumscribing circle.
  2. Segment of regular polygon is an isosceles triangle whose equal sides are radius of circumscribing circle; its area is denoted by A1.


Here are my corrections to it.

  1. Diagonals that pass through the center has length equal to the diameter of the circumscribing circle.
  2. The triangular segment with area denoted as A1 is an isosceles triangle. The length of the two equal sides of this triangle is the radius of the circumscribing circle and the altitude of this triangle is the radius of the inscribed circle.


The above corrections has been committed but as usual, it is always open for more improvement.

Thank you very much sir and God bless you.