Discussion on: Problem 522 | Friction

Following is a discussion on the Reviewer item titled: Problem 522 | Friction. Feel free to add your own comments!

N2 = 350 cos 45 degrees + c cos 75 degrees. In this equation I am not sure how we came up with c cos 75 degrees. Can you please provide a detailed explanation. Thank you.

In reply to by Benjamin_Molina

For the 200 lb block he uses rotation of axis. For N2 as the y-axis and along incline will be the x-axis. we get the equation for N2 using summation of forces along y-axis. The degree of the strut with respect x-axis is 15 degrees as you subtract (60o - 45o) just extend a line for strut to the incline plane then draw a vertical line where the strut and the incline pane intersect then use your basic trigo analysis. :)))

I hope this will help you :)))