PLEASE Solve: A flower vase in the form of a hexagonal prism

Pauline Cabagnot's picture

1. A flower vase in the form of a hexagonal prism, is to be filled with 512 of water. Find the height of the water if the wet portion of the flower vase and its volume are numerically equal.

Jhun Vert's picture

$V = A_b h$

$512 = \left[ 6 \times \frac{1}{2}(x^2)\sin 60^\circ \right] h$

$\frac{3}{2}\sqrt{3}x^2 h = 512$

$h = \dfrac{1024}{3\sqrt{3} \, x^2}$

Wet area:
$A = A_b + A_L$

$512 = 6 \times \frac{1}{2}(x^2)\sin 60^\circ + 6xh$

$512 = \frac{3}{2}\sqrt{3}x^2 + 6x \left( \dfrac{1024}{3\sqrt{3} \, x^2} \right)$

$512 = \dfrac{3\sqrt{3}}{2}x^2 + \dfrac{2048}{\sqrt{3} \, x}$

$\dfrac{3\sqrt{3}}{2}x^3 - 512x + \dfrac{2048}{\sqrt{3}} = 0$

$x = -15.075 ~ \text{(absurd)}, ~ 12.697, ~ \text{and} ~ 2.378$

Try x = 12.697"

$h = \dfrac{1024}{3\sqrt{3}(12.697^2)} = 1.222"$

$V = \left[ 6 \times \frac{1}{2}(12.697^2)\sin 60^\circ \right] (1.222)$

$V = 511.83 \cong 512 ~ \text{okay}$

Try x = 2.378"

$h = \dfrac{1024}{3\sqrt{3}(2.378^2)} = 34.849"$

$V = \left[ 6 \times \frac{1}{2}(2.378^2)\sin 60^\circ \right] (34.849)$

$V = 511.995 \cong 512 ~ \text{okay}$

Answer: h = 12.697" or h = 2.378"

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