Discussion on: 49-51 Ship sailing east and turned N 30d E

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Mediatrix Aquino
Mediatrix Aquino's picture
Discussion on: 49-51 Ship sailing east and turned N 30d E

Following is a discussion on the Reviewer item titled: 49-51 Ship sailing east and turned N 30d E. Feel free to add your own comments!

Mediatrix Aquino
Mediatrix Aquino's picture

How to get the (t-2) and where it comes from? Also, the distance 20, it is not given tho

Jhun Vert
Jhun Vert's picture

Also, the distance 20, it is not given tho

distance = velocity × time

How to get the (t-2) and where it comes from?

A ship, moving 10 mi/hr, sails east for 2 hours, then turns N 30° E

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