Example 04: Stress of Tension Steel, Stress of Compression Steel, and Stress of Concrete in Doubly Reinforced Beam

A 300 mm × 600 mm reinforced concrete beam section is reinforced with 4 - 28-mm-diameter tension steel at d = 536 mm and 2 - 28-mm-diameter compression steel at d' = 64 mm. The section is subjected to a bending moment of 150 kN·m. Use n = 9.

1. Find the maximum stress in concrete.
2. Determine the stress in the compression steel.
3. Calculate the stress in the tension steel.


Example 03: Compressive Force at the Section of Concrete T-Beam

The following are the dimensions of a concrete T-beam section

Width of flange, bf = 600 mm
Thickness of flange, tf = 80 mm
Width of web, bw = 300 mm
Effective depth, d = 500 mm

The beam is reinforced with 3-32 mm diameter bars in tension and is carrying a moment of 100 kN·m. Find the total compressive force in the concrete. Use n = 9.



Example 01: Total Compression Force at the Section of Concrete Beam

A rectangular reinforced concrete beam with width of 250 mm and effective depth of 500 mm is subjected to 150 kN·m bending moment. The beam is reinforced with 4 – 25 mm ø bars. Use alternate design method and modular ratio n = 9.

  1. What is the maximum stress of concrete?
  2. What is the maximum stress of steel?
  3. What is the total compressive force in concrete?




Example 01: Required Steel Area of Reinforced Concrete Beam

A rectangular concrete beam is reinforced in tension only. The width is 300 mm and the effective depth is 600 mm. The beam carries a moment of 80 kN·m which causes a stress of 5 MPa in the extreme compression fiber of concrete. Use n = 9.
1.   What is the distance of the neutral axis from the top of the beam?
2.   Calculate the required area for steel reinforcement.
3.   Find the stress developed in the steel.



Design of Steel Reinforcement of Concrete Beams by WSD Method

Steps is for finding the required steel reinforcements of beam with known Mmax and other beam properties using Working Stress Design method.

Given the following, direct or indirect:

Width or breadth = b
Effective depth = d
Allowable stress for concrete = fc
Allowable stress for steel = fs
Modular ratio = n
Maximum moment carried by the beam = Mmax



Working Stress Analysis for Concrete Beams

Consider a relatively long simply supported beam shown below. Assume the load wo to be increasing progressively until the beam fails. The beam will go into the following three stages:

  1. Uncrack Concrete Stage – at this stage, the gross section of the concrete will resist the bending which means that the beam will behave like a solid beam made entirely of concrete.
  2. Crack Concrete Stage – Elastic Stress range
  3. Ultimate Stress Stage – Beam Failure


Working Stress Design of Reinforced Concrete

Working Stress Design is called Alternate Design Method by NSCP (National Structural Code of the Philippines) and ACI (American Concrete Institute, ACI).

Code Reference
NSCP 2010 - Section 424: Alternate Design Method
ACI 318 - Appendix A: Alternate Design Method


fc = allowable compressive stress of concrete
fs = allowable tesnile stress of steel reinforcement
f'c = specified compressive strength of concrete
fy = specified yield strength of steel reinforcement
Ec = modulus of elasticity of concrete
Es = modulus of elasticity of steel
n = modular ratio
M = design moment
d = distance from extreme concrete fiber to centroid of steel reinforcement
kd = distance from the neutral axis to the extreme fiber of concrete
jd = distance between compressive force C and tensile force T
ρ = ratio of the area of steel to the effective area of concrete
As = area of steel reinforcement




Reinforced Concrete Design

Analysis and design of concrete members subject to flexure.
Analysis and design of concrete members subject to shear.
Analysis and design of concrete members subject to axial load.
Analysis and design of concrete members subject to combined loadings.
Deflection of concrete members
Working stress design
Design specifications of concrete structures
Ultimate strength design
Load factors
Pre-stressed concrete
Method of construction
Concrete technology
Seismic design

Unit Weights and Densities of Soil

Symbols and Notations
γ, γm = Unit weight, bulk unit weight, moist unit weight
γd = Dry unit weight
γsat = Saturated unit weight
γb, γ' = Buoyant unit weight or effective unit weight
γs = Unit weight of solids
γw = Unit weight of water (equal to 9810 N/m3)
W = Total weight of soil
Ws = Weight of solid particles
Ww = Weight of water
V = Volume of soil
Vs = Volume of solid particles
Vv = Volume of voids
Vw = Volume of water
S = Degree of saturation
w = Water content or moisture content
G = Specific gravity of solid particles