Problem 526 | Friction

Problem 526
A ladder 6 m long has a mass of 18 kg and its center of gravity is 2.4 m from the bottom. The ladder is placed against a vertical wall so that it makes an angle of 60° with the ground. How far up the ladder can a 72-kg man climb before the ladder is on the verge of slipping? The angle of friction at all contact surfaces is 15°.

Problem 525 | Friction

Problem 525
A uniform ladder 4.8 m ft long and weighing W lb is placed with one end on the ground and the other against a vertical wall. The angle of friction at all contact surfaces is 20°. Find the minimum value of the angle θ at which the ladder can be inclined with the horizontal before slipping occurs.

Problem 507 | Friction

Problem 507
The 2225-N block shown in Fig. P-507 is in contact with 45° incline. The coefficient of static friction is 0.25. Compute the value of the horizontal force P necessary to (a) just start the block up the incline or (b) just prevent motion down the incline. (c) If P = 1780 N, what is the amount and direction of the friction force?

Block on an incline pushed by horizontal force


Problem 506 | Friction

Problem 506
A 400 lb block is resting on a rough horizontal surface for which the coefficient of friction is 0.40. Determine the force P required to cause motion to impend if applied to the block (a) horizontally or (b) downward at 30° with the horizontal. (c) What minimum force is required to start motion?


Friction is the contact resistance exerted by one body when the second body moves or tends to move past the first body. Friction is a retarding force that always acts opposite to the motion or to the tendency to move.