Timber Design

Problem 1005
A timber beam 6 in. by 10 in. is reinforced only at the bottom by a steel plate as shown in Fig. P-1005. Determine the concentrated load that can be applied at the center of a simply supported span 18 ft long if n = 20, fs ≤ 18 ksi and fw ≤ 1200 psi. Show that the neutral axis is 7.1 in. below the top and that INA = 1160 in.4.

Moment Area theorem problem. please help

I've been trying to solve the following question for 2 days now and i can't seem to be able to. can someone help me please ?

For the beam shown in Figure 3, the support at A is fully fixed. The beam is tapered however you may consider it to be a beam of 3 varying sections.

Beam A to B as having 3 times the I value of beam D to end, Beam B to D as having 1.5 times the I value of beam D to end and Beam D to end is 310 UB 46.2 with I = 100 x 106 mm4. Tip: this may be easier to solve using superposition.