Problem 527 and Problem 528 | Friction

Problem 527
A homogeneous cylinder 3 m in diameter and weighing 30 kN is resting on two inclined planes as shown in Fig. P-527. If the angle of friction is 15° for all contact surfaces, compute the magnitude of the couple required to start the cylinder rotating counterclockwise.

Cylinder resting on the corner of two inclined planes


Problem 528
Instead of a couple, determine the minimum horizontal force P applied tangentially to the left at the top of the cylinder described in Prob. 527 to start the cylinder rotating counterclockwise.

255 Equivalent loads to a compression member with eccentric load

Problem 255
A short compression member carries an eccentric load P = 200 lb situated 2 in. from the axis of the member, as shown in Fig. P-225. In strength of materials it is learned that the internal stresses are determined from the equivalent axial load and couple into which P may be resolved. Determine the equivalent axial load and couple.

Eccentrically loaded compression member


249 - Reactions at the bolts of speed reducer gear box

Problem 249
Fig. P-249 represents the top view of a speed reducer which is geared for a four to one reduction in speed. The torque input at the horizontal shaft C is 100 lb·ft. The torque output at the horizontal shaft D, because of the speed reduction, is 400 lb·ft. Compute the torque reaction at the mounting bolts A and B holding the reducer to the floor. Hint: The torque reaction is caused by the unbalanced torque, which is a couple.

Top view of speed reduction gear box


248 - Broken handwheel replaced by lever to close a gate valve

Problem 248
To close a gate valve it is necessary to exert two forces of 60 lb at opposite sides of a handwheel 3 ft in diameter. Through an accident the wheel is broken and the valve must be closed by a thrusting bar through a slot in the valve stem and exerting a force 4 ft out from the center. Determine the force required and draw a free-body diagram of the bar.


Couple is a system of forces whose magnitude of the resultant is zero and yet has a moment sum. Geometrically, couple is composed of two equal forces that are parallel to each other and acting in opposite direction. The magnitude of the couple is given by

$C = Fd$

Where $F$ are the two forces and $d$ is the moment arm, or the perpendicular distance between the forces.