Problem 920 | Additional Centroidal Load to Eliminate Tensile Stress Anywhere Over the Cross Section

Problem 920
A compressive load P = 100 kN is applied, as shown in Fig. 9-8a, at a point 70 mm to the left and 30 mm above the centroid of a rectangular section for which h = 300 mm and b = 250 mm. What additional load, acting normal to the cross section at its centroid, will eliminate tensile stress anywhere over the cross section?



Problem 918 | Stress at Each Corner of Eccentrically Loaded Rectangular Section

Problem 918
A compressive load P = 12 kips is applied, as in Fig. 9-8a, at a point 1 in. to the right and 2 in. above the centroid of a rectangular section for which h = 10 in. and b = 6 in. Compute the stress at each corner and the location of the neutral axis. Illustrate the answers with a sketch.



Analysis of Structures

There are many kinds of structure. This section will limit to those that are pin-connected. Two types of pin-connected structures will be covered here; pin-connected trusses and pin-connected frames. In the actual structure, the joints may be welded, riveted, or bolted to a gusset plate at the joint. However as long as the center-line of the member coincide at the joint, the assumption of a pinned joint maybe used.