
Couple is a system of forces whose magnitude of the resultant is zero and yet has a moment sum. Geometrically, couple is composed of two equal forces that are parallel to each other and acting in opposite direction. The magnitude of the couple is given by

$C = Fd$

Where $F$ are the two forces and $d$ is the moment arm, or the perpendicular distance between the forces.

015 Solving for a force and its angle and angle of two forces with given resultant

Problem 015
Forces F, P, and T are concurrent and acting in the direction as shown in Fig. P-015.

  1. Find the value of F and α if T = 450 N, P = 250 N, β = 30°, and the resultant is 300 N acting up along the y-axis.
  2. Find the value of F and α if T = 450 N, P = 250 N, β = 30° and the resultant is zero.
  3. Find the value of α and β if T = 450 N, P = 250 N, F = 350 N, and the resultant is zero.