August 2019

Jerwin Espregante Cordeta's picture


express the function by a formula and draw the graph indicating that portion of the graph which has a meaning in the problem.

1. the amount of 1 dollar at 4% simple interest, as a function of time.

Alexander's picture

Power Functions

If ax = b, by = c, and cx = a, prove that the product xyz = 1.

Kennett Rubia's picture

diff eqn


Solid mensuration

Good day sir!
"A frustum of a regular pyramid has a lower base of 12cm by 12cm and an upper base of 8cm by 8cm. If the lateral edge is 18cm, compute the volume of the regular pyramid."

The answer is V=1801.71cm3 which is actually the volume of the frustum. Is he correct sir? Because i was thinking i should get the whole volume of the square based regular pyramid.

Jhun Vert's picture

Constant Area of Triangle ABC

From the figures shown below. Squares EGHI and KHJB are fixed. Show that the area of triangle ABH is constant regardless of the dimensions of square ADEF.

Figure 1



Figure 2

Work problems

Pedro can paint a fence 50% faster than Juan and 20% faster than Pilar and together they can paint a given fence in 4 hours. How long will it take Pedro to paint the same fence if he had to work alone?

Differential equation

y(x^2+y^2)dx+x(3x^2-5y^2)dy=0 x=2 , y=1

Jhun Vert's picture

Quiz: Random Problems Set 6

Are you up for a challenge? Take this quiz containing random topics.

Jhun Vert's picture

Quiz: Random Problems Set 7

Topic: Probability
Unlimited number of retakes and we keep all your records. Enjoy!

Calculation of Deflection & Bending Stress in Stepped Beam with Uniformly Distributed Load

How to Calculate Deflection & Bending Stress in Steeped Beam with Uniformly Distributed Load..??