Largest box that can be made from rectangular cardboard

Mar wants to make a box with no lid from a rectangular sheet of cardboard that is 18 inches by 24 inches. The box is to be made by cutting a square of side x from each corner of the sheet and folding up the sides. Find the value of x that maximizes the volume of the box.

A.   4.3 inches C.   10.6 inches
B.   5.2 inches D.   3.4 inches


Gas is escaping from a spherical balloon at a constant rate of 2 fˆ3/min. How fast is the outer surface area shrinking?

Gas is escaping from a spherical balloon at a constant rate of 2 ft3/min. How fast, in ft2/min, is the outer surface area of the balloon shrinking when the radius is 12 ft?

A.   1/2 C.   1/3
B.   1/5 D.   1/4


How Far An Object Has Fallen If Its Velocity Is 80 Feet Per Second

The formula $v = \sqrt{2gh}$ give the velocity, in feet per second, of an object when it falls h feet accelerated by gravity g, in feet per second squared. If g is approximately 32 feet per second squared, find how far an object has fallen if its velocity is 80 feet per second.

A.   80 feet C.   70 feet
B.   100 feet D.   90 feet


Volume of Inflating Spherical Balloon as a Function of Time

A meteorologist is inflating a spherical balloon with a helium gas. If the radius of a balloon is changing at a rate of 1.5 cm/sec., express the volume V of the balloon as a function of time t (in seconds). Hint: Use composite function relationship Vsphere = 4/3 πr3 as a function of x (radius), and x (radius) as a function of t (time).

A.   V(t) = 5/2 πt3 C.   V(t) = 9/2 πt3
B.   V(t) = 7/2 πt3 D.   V(t) = 3/2 πt3


Smallest Triangular Portion From A Square Lot

A farmer owned a square field measuring exactly 2261 m on each side. 1898 m from one corner and 1009 m from an adjacent corner stands Narra tree. A neighbor offered to purchase a triangular portion of the field stipulating that a fence should be erected in a straight line from one side of the field to an adjacent side so that the Narra tree was part of the fence. The farmer accepted the offer but made sure that the triangular portion was a minimum area. What was the area of the field the neighbor received and how long was the fence? Hint: Use the Cosine Law.

A.   A = 972,325 m2 and L = 2,236 m
B.   A = 950,160 m2 and L = 2,122 m
C.   A = 946,350 m2 and L = 2,495 m
D.   A = 939,120 m2 and L = 2,018 m


Dimensions of the Lot for a Given Cost of Fencing

A rectangular waterfront lot has a perimeter of 1000 feet. To create a sense of privacy, the lot owner decides to fence along three sides excluding the sides that fronts the water. An expensive fencing along the lot’s front length costs Php25 per foot, and an inexpensive fencing along two side widths costs only Php5 per foot. The total cost of the fencing along all three sides comes to Php9500. What is the lot’s dimensions?

A.   300 feet by 100 feet C.   400 feet by 200 feet
B.   400 feet by 100 feet D.   300 feet by 200 feet


Rate of Change of Volume of Sand in Conical Shape

A conveyor is dispersing sands which forms into a conical pile whose height is approximately 4/3 of its base radius. Determine how fast the volume of the conical sand is changing when the radius of the base is 3 feet, if the rate of change of the radius is 3 inches per minute.

A.   2π ft/min C.   3π ft/min
B.   4π ft/min D.   5π ft/min