719 Closed Straight Lines | Centroid of Composite Lines
Problem 719
Determine the centroid of the lines that form the boundary of the shaded area in Fig. P-718.

Problem 719
Determine the centroid of the lines that form the boundary of the shaded area in Fig. P-718.
Problem 717
Locate the centroid of the bent wire shown in Fig. P-717. The wire is homogeneous and of uniform cross-section.
$W \, \bar{y} = \Sigma wy$
$A \, \bar{y} = \Sigma ay$
$L \, \bar{y} = \Sigma ly$
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$W \, \bar{y} = \Sigma wy$
$W \, \bar{z} = \Sigma wz$
$V \, \bar{y} = \Sigma vy$
$V \, \bar{z} = \Sigma vz$