Online Exams

Jhun Vert's picture

BARC Quiz 5: Verbal Problems


Jhun Vert's picture

BARC: Final Exam

There are two ways to take this exam, online or offline. Online exam is available to both registered users and to those who preferred not to register. Offline however is available only to registered users as it needs to download the attached .pdf file below. Note that all downloads from this site are available only to verified user accounts. If you wish to take this exam offline, we suggest that you impose to yourself the time limit that we suggest and don't forget to comeback to submit your answer.

Jhun Vert's picture

Exam: MSTE-00 Problem Set 4


Jhun Vert's picture

Exam: MSTE-00 Problem Set 7


Jhun Vert's picture

MSTE-00 Final Preboard


Jhun Vert's picture

Quiz: Common Optimization Problems

Solutions are provided at the end of the quiz for you to see how to solve the problem without differentiation.

Jhun Vert's picture

Quiz: Random Problems Set 2

Make the best out from this quiz and enjoy while learning. Solutions are provided at the end of the quiz.

Jhun Vert's picture

BARC: Pretest

To start the heat, evaluate yourself with our pretest so that we will have a bench mark for measuring your progress. All our exams are for self-evaluation, so be true to your self, do not open any of your notes or ask anyone about the solution, or idea of the solution or answer key. Make it sure that all your answers are according to your present state so that you can measure yourself accordingly.

Jhun Vert's picture

BARC Quiz 4: Number-Clock-Age Problems


Jhun Vert's picture

BARC Quiz 7: Probability Distributions

