Differential Eqn. Elimination of arbitrary constant and finding the general solution

hello guys, please help me with my assignment. thank you so much.

1. eliminate the arbituary constant on this eqn. y=C1e^2x+C2e^x+C3

2. evaluate and find the general solution of this eqn.
a. x sqrt1+y^2 dx - y sqrt1+x^2 dy=0
b. 2ycosxdx+3sinxdy = 0

thank you so much. god bless! ^_^

Beam Deflection

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hi please help me with my assignement.

this beam made of steel with moduus youg of 300 gpa, cross sectional area A1 =10.10^-6 m2
A2 = 20. 10^-6 m2.
length L1 = 2m
Length L2 =1,8 m.

at he level that is very rigid ring mounted to apply the load F=8 KN.

questions :
1.calculate reaction pedestal points A and B
2. stresses that ocur in cross section A1 and A2
3. the displacement Point C.