The Tide in Bay of Fundy: The Depths of High and Low Tides

The tide in Bay of Fundy rises and falls every 13 hours. The depth of the water at a certain point in the bay is modeled by a function d = 5 sin (2π/13)t + 9, where t is time in hours and d is depth in meters. Find the depth at t = 13/4 (high tide) and t = 39/4 (low tide).

  1. The depth of the high tide is 15 meters and the depth of the low tide is 3 meters.
  2. The depth of the high tide is 16 meters and the depth of the low tide is 2 meters.
  3. The depth of the high tide is 14 meters and the depth of the low tide is 4 meters.
  4. The depth of the high tide is 17 meters and the depth of the low tide is 1 meter.


Longest Day of the Year: Summer Solstice

The number of hours daylight, D(t) at a particular time of the year can be approximated by

$D(t) = \dfrac{K}{2}\sin \left[ \dfrac{2\pi}{365}(t - 79) \right] + 12$


for t days and t = 0 corresponding to January 1. The constant K determines the total variation in day length and depends on the latitude of the locale. When is the day length the longest, assuming that it is NOT a leap year?

A.   December 20 C.   June 20
B.   June 19 D.   December 19