Probability That A Randomly Selected Chord Exceeds The Length Of The Radius Of Circle

If a chord is selected at random on a fixed circle what is the probability that its length exceeds the radius of the circle?

  1. Assume that the distance of the chord from the center of the circle is uniformly distributed.
    A.   0.5 C.   0.866
    B.   0.667 D.   0.75
  2. Assume that the midpoint of the chord is evenly distributed over the circle.
    A.   0.5 C.   0.866
    B.   0.667 D.   0.75
  3. Assume that the end points of the chord are uniformly distributed over the circumference of the circle.
    A.   0.5 C.   0.866
    B.   0.667 D.   0.75


Probability that a Large Shipment is Accepted or Not Accepted due to Defective Items

A stationery store has decided to accept a large shipment of ball-point pens if an inspection of 20 randomly selected pens yields no more than two defective pens. Find the probability that this shipment is...

  1. accepted if 5% of the total shipment is defective.
  2. not accepted if 15% of the total shipment is defective.


Three Men Shoot and Only One of Them Hits the Target. Find the Probability that it was the First Man

The probabilities that three men hit a target are 1/6, 1/4, and 1/3, respectively. Each shoot once at the target. If only one of them hits the target, find the probability that it was the first man.

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