Equivalent head, in meters of water, of 150 kPa pressure
What is the equivalent pressure head in cm of water to a pressure of 150 kPa?
A. 1340 | C. 1630 |
B. 1140 | D. 1530 |
What is the equivalent pressure head in cm of water to a pressure of 150 kPa?
A. 1340 | C. 1630 |
B. 1140 | D. 1530 |
A gage on the suction side of a pump shown vacuum of 254 mm of mercury. Compute (a) pressure head in meters of water; (b) pressure in kiloPascal; (c) absolute pressure in kiloPascal if barometer reads 736.6 mm of mercury.
The pressure in a gas tank is 2.75 atmospheres. Compute the pressure in kiloPascal and the pressure head in meter of water.
If the pressure in the tank of oil (sp gr 0.80) is 415 kPa, what is the equivalent head: (a) in meters of oil, (b) in meters of water, and (c) in centimeters of mercury?
If the pressure in the tank of oil (sp gr 0.80) is 60 psi, what is the equivalent head: (a) in feet of oil, (b) in feet of water, and (c) in inches of mercury?
At what depth in a stand pipe containing water is the pressure 200 kPa?
What height of mercury column will cause a pressure of 680 kPa? What is the equivalent height of water column?