Problem 06 - Bernoulli's Energy Theorem

Problem 6
As shown in Figure 4-03, the smaller pipe is cut off a short distance past the reducer so that the jet springs free into the air. Compute the pressure at 1 if Q = 5 cfs of water. D1 = 12 inches and D2 = 4 inches. Assume that the jet has the diameter D2, that the pressure in the jet is atmospheric and that the loss of head from point 1 to point 2 is 5 ft of water.



Problem 03 - Bernoulli's Energy Theorem

Problem 3
A 300-mm pipe is connected by a reducer to a 100-mm pipe. See Figure 4-02. Points 1 and 2 are at the same elevation, the pressure at 1 is 200 kPa. The discharge Q is 30 liters per second flowing from 1 to 2 and the energy lost from 1 to 2 is equivalent to 20 kPa.

  1. Compute the pressure at 2 if the liquid is water.
  2. Compute the pressure at 2 if the liquid is oil (sp gr = 0.80).
  3. Compute the pressure at 2 if the liquid is molasses (sp gr = 1.5).




Problem 02 - Bernoulli's Energy Theorem

Problem 2
From Figure 4-01, the following head losses are known: From (1) to (2), 0 m; from (2) to (3), 0.60 m; from (3) to (4), 2.1 m; from (4) to (5), 0.3 m. Make a table showing elevation head, velocity head, pressure head, and total head at each of the five points. How high above the center of the pipe will water stands in the piezometer tubes (3) and (4)?
