Problem 734 | Restrained beam with uniform load over half the span
Problem 734
Determine the end moments for the restrained beams shown in Fig. P-734.

Problem 734
Determine the end moments for the restrained beams shown in Fig. P-734.
Problem 725
If the support under the propped beam in Problem 724 settles an amount $\delta$, show that the propped reaction decreases by $3EI\delta / L^3$.
Problem 724
The beam shown in Fig. P-724 is only partially restrained at the wall so that, after the uniformly distributed load is applied, the slope at the wall is $w_oL^3 / 48EI$ upward to the right. If the supports remain at the same level, determine $R$.
See deflection of beam by moment-area method for details.
Rotation of beam from A to B
Deviation of B from a tangent line through A
Problem 713
Determine the end moment and midspan value of EIδ for the restrained beam shown in Fig. PB-010. (Hint: Because of symmetry, the end shears are equal and the slope is zero at midspan. Let the redundant be the moment at midspan.)