In still water, your small boat average 8 miles per hour. It takes you the same amount of time to travel 15 miles downstream, with the current, as 9 miles upstream, against the current. What is the rate of water's current?

In still water, your small boat averages 8 miles per hour. It takes you the same amount of time to travel 15 miles downstream, with the current, as 9 miles upstream, against the current. What is the rate of water's current?

A.   4 miles/hr C.   2 miles/hr
B.   3 miles/hr D.   5 miles/hr


How many men paid for a total amount of $262,143.75 if the first person to arrive only paid 25 cents?

In a fund raising show, a group of philanthropists agreed that the first one to arrive would pay 25¢ to enter, and each later would pay twice as much as the preceding person. The total amount collected from all of them was \$262,143.75. How many of them paid?

Relationship Between Arithmetic Mean, Harmonic Mean, and Geometric Mean of Two Numbers

For two numbers x and y, let x, a, y be a sequence of three numbers. If x, a, y is an arithmetic progression then 'a' is called arithmetic mean. If x, a, y is a geometric progression then 'a' is called geometric mean. If x, a, y form a harmonic progression then 'a' is called harmonic mean.

Let AM = arithmetic mean, GM = geometric mean, and HM = harmonic mean. The relationship between the three is given by the formula

$AM \times HM = GM^2$


Below is the derivation of this relationship.

Derivation of Sum of Finite and Infinite Geometric Progression

Geometric Progression, GP
Geometric progression (also known as geometric sequence) is a sequence of numbers where the ratio of any two adjacent terms is constant. The constant ratio is called the common ratio, r of geometric progression. Each term therefore in geometric progression is found by multiplying the previous one by r.

Eaxamples of GP:

  • 3, 6, 12, 24, … is a geometric progression with r = 2
  • 10, -5, 2.5, -1.25, … is a geometric progression with r = -1/2


Derivation of Sum of Arithmetic Progression

Arithmetic Progression, AP

Arithmetic Progression (also called arithmetic sequence), is a sequence of numbers such that the difference between any two consecutive terms is constant. Each term therefore in an arithmetic progression will increase or decrease at a constant value called the common difference, d.

Examples of arithmetic progression are:

  • 2, 5, 8, 11,... common difference = 3
  • 23, 19, 15, 11,... common difference = -4